Author Archives: Stephanie

A Few Useful Parenting Tips

Being a perfect parent is a lot of hard work, but it is also a very rewarding experience. Keep reading for some useful parenting tips. Set some rules and some boundaries for your children. You should take the time to explain why you are setting rules. Make sure your children understand you are concerned about…

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Coping With An Impossible Teenager

Parenting a teenager should not only come with a manual, it should offer some sort of Nobel Prize at the end of it. Unfortunately, neither of those things are provided for the parents of a teenager and life can be very challenging. It can help to listen to the voice of experience and reason. Look…

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Teaching Toddlers With Creativity

Learning for young toddlers requires a creative, unique approach that is different from later years in life. Activities that encourage brain development are incredibly well-received, but require a lot of work on the parent’s behalf. There is going to be a long journey over the next eighteen years, but the starting phase is likely the…

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How to Deal with Young Teenagers

Parenting children who are only in the beginning of their teen years can be very challenging. They are no longer babies (as they will take no hesitation in telling you), but they are not quite morally or intellectually teenagers, and so are subject to the opinions of their peers and friends, who can negatively change…

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